Icecream stick ArtworkappstoreThis world is full of creative and imaginative people.

Their creativity is worth seeing. Sometimes whatever they do is unbelievable. Ice cream sticks are a common item in arts. Children enjoy the process of creating art and displaying it. Kids/adults are more found of this as its fun. They can made lot of different shapes in ice cream stick artwork game. To make ice-cream stick artwork you just need this app and good imagination to make some shapes out of it. In ice-cream stick artwork app we are showing you some wonderful and incredible ice cream sticks artwork.

This is classic fun game and good for brain development. Anyone can enjoy game with easy control and intuitive setup. Game rules are simple, you have a figure just place the ice cream android apps sticks over the figure.

Are you ready to challenge your logical thinking?? Then get those brain cells working and play this game. You will find two sections in this game first one is practice artwork and other one is artwork challenge. In practice artwork you will simply place the ice-cream sticks on the shapes to make them look better and take a snapshot and share with your friends. And in artwork challenge you will create your custom artwork.

We are sure you will definitely love it. So train your logic and entertain yourself with this Ice-cream stick artwork game! Just have a look and don’t forget to comment…


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